Les Artisans de paix Internationale
Your donation can make this difference
Choose the mode that suits you...
Online donations are made via PAYPAL*, CANADON or INTERAC*
Secure transactional site
No obligation to create a Paypal or Canadon account
Confidentiality assured
Credit cards accepted ( Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc. )
* Tax receipt on request (Paypal and Interac)
To make a donation by INTERAC, simply go to your bank account at the institution of your choice and make an INTERAC transfer to the following email address:
NOTE: You will not need to give a secret question and
MESSAGE from your institution
Your contact has enabled INTERAC Autodeposits. Your
transfer will be deposited into their account automatically and they
will not need to answer a security question.
MESSAGE (optional):
MESSAGE (optional): Enter your contact information
(Name, First name, address, email, telephone)
in order to send you your tax receipt.
Official tax receipt issued automatically